Certain forms of writing need to be practiced. This one is a letter, more specifically, a letter to a newspaper (or magazine) editor.
General guideline:
1. Much like in essays, you need to make a point and support it by using clear, good English, showing you're proficient at using a wide range of simple and complex vocabulary and grammatical structures.
2. Unlike most formal essays, you can actually write some first-person sentences. However, bear in mind that overusing those sentences is not a good idea. Save them for the introductory and conclusion paragraphs. For the body paragraphs – the ones used to support your point of view – prefer to work with more general arguments, otherwise your letter might look like a personal attack. Remember a letter to the editor aims at giving your opinion on a certain issue: keep your tone friendly and persuasive, base your answers on solid arguments and examples and avoid sounding confrontational. Letters to the editor are not letters of complaint!
3. Adjust your register to the readership you're writing for: a magazine allows for a more neutral or informal style - with phrasal verbs and idioms which add colour to your writing. A newspaper readership, however, might require a more formal register throughout in which you avoid contractions, informal expressions and so you opt for more sophisticated vocabulary and advanced grammatical structures, such as inversion of order and passive voice.
We start our letter with
Dear Sir/Madam,
Introduction: In the first paragraph, we present our reason for writing and our opinion about the topic. which will be developed further below.
Useful expressions:
To begin the letter
I am writing to express my support for/(dis)approval of/views on/ opinion of …
I am writing with regard/respect to/regarding/concerning...
I am writing about …
I have just read …
I am writing about the article on … , which appeared (in last night’s paper), in which you raised some issues which I feel strongly about.
I am writing with reference to the article you published (in last month’s issue).
I have just read your article on … and I feel I must …
At the start of your article, you appear to claim that …
I am afraid I totally disagree.
I am completely in agreement.
I am sure readers will agree with me when I say that …
I have read the article commenting on the problem/issue/(trending) topic of.... and I would like now to share my views with other readers.
I wish to protest about the article which makes totally false claims and I sincerely hope you will not take amiss what I am going to say.
To state an opinion
In my (humble/modest) opinion/view, …;
I (do not) feel/believe/think/consider/find …;
I am (totally) opposed to/against/in favour of …;
I strongly/categorically (dis)agree with …
To express the consequences/results
This will/would mean …;
Then …;
Therefore, …;
As a result, …;
Consequently, …;
If we/they do/did this, …;
Obviously, …;
Clearly, …
To list points
Firstly, …;
To end the letter
I hope my comments/suggestions/points will be taken into consideration/ will prove of use/ shall help to raise further awareness on the issue of...;
I hope the government/local council/ will …;
I hope something will be done about this matter urgently...
Introduction: In the first paragraph, we present our reason for writing and our opinion about the topic. which will be developed further below.
Main Body: In the second and third paragraphs, we present our arguments/the problems, together with consequences/suggestions/results, in separate paragraphs.
Conclusion: In the last paragraph we summarise our opinion or write it again using different words.
We end with
We end with
Yours faithfully,
and our full name.
Useful expressions:
To begin the letter
I am writing to express my support for/(dis)approval of/views on/ opinion of …
I am writing with regard/respect to/regarding/concerning...
I am writing about …
I have just read …
I am writing about the article on … , which appeared (in last night’s paper), in which you raised some issues which I feel strongly about.
I am writing with reference to the article you published (in last month’s issue).
I have just read your article on … and I feel I must …
At the start of your article, you appear to claim that …
I am afraid I totally disagree.
I am completely in agreement.
I am sure readers will agree with me when I say that …
I have read the article commenting on the problem/issue/(trending) topic of.... and I would like now to share my views with other readers.
I wish to protest about the article which makes totally false claims and I sincerely hope you will not take amiss what I am going to say.
To state an opinion
In my (humble/modest) opinion/view, …;
I (do not) feel/believe/think/consider/find …;
I am (totally) opposed to/against/in favour of …;
I strongly/categorically (dis)agree with …
May I respectfully suggest that you …
As I think you know, …
May I point out that …
I feel I really must object to ...
I am extremely concerned at the thought that ...
It must be very clear that ...
I was wondering if you had considered this alternative?
Would it not be possible to ... ?
To express the consequences/results
This will/would mean …;
Then …;
Therefore, …;
As a result, …;
Consequently, …;
If we/they do/did this, …;
Obviously, …;
Clearly, …
To list points
Firstly, …;
First of all, …;
First and foremost,...;
To begin with...;
Secondly, …;
Furthermore, …;
Secondly, …;
Furthermore, …;
Moreover, ...;
What is more, …;
Finally, …;
Last but certainly not least,...;What is more, …;
Finally, …;
In order to conclude, ...;
To begin with, ...;
What we also need to consider is...;
A good example of this would be...;
What we also need to consider is...;
A good example of this would be...;
To end the letter
I hope my comments/suggestions/points will be taken into consideration/ will prove of use/ shall help to raise further awareness on the issue of...;
I hope the government/local council/ will …;
I hope something will be done about this matter urgently...
I am looking forward to seeing my letter published in one of the next issues of your magazine/newspaper.