When writing (and listening and speaking) at Proficiency level, you are expected to give proof, i.e.evidence, of an exceptional level of English.
In Part 1 of the CPE writing exam,you are required to write a formal essay which summarises and evaluates two other texts.
Let's revise the steps you should follow:
Step 1 – Text analysis
Read both texts and decide if they are complementary or contrasting.
Underline the two key content points in each text.
Step 2 – Paraphrasing and summarising
Brainstorm different ways to paraphrase and summarise the key points.
What impressive structures can you use? Connectors, inversions, passives, collocations, expressions are expected at CPE level.
Step 3 – Evaluate and react
Decide which points you agree and disagree with.
Brainstorm your own thoughts (and experiences) on the subject.
You are required to summarise in your own words and using a formal register and style, evaluate and react :
Introduction: Main topic dealt with in both texts to summarise
Summary of 2 main views in text 1 through paraphrase (exemplification is not required)
Your own opinion on the summarised views in text 1 (Evaluation)
Summary of 2 main views in text 2 through paraphrase (exemplification is not required)
Your own opinion on the summarised views in text 2
Conclusion: your final and overall reaction to all the ideas presented in your essay.
The Assessment Scales state that in order to get full marks in Language you need to show "precision, sophistication & style": "Any inaccuracies occur only as slips".